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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Joey Yung - Moment

Joey Yung - Moment 2012 CD
new album come from Joey Yung
容祖兒 - Moment
FLAC / Lossless / CD
Genre: Pop
1. 正好
2. 維加斯有點好萊塢
3. 霧裡看花
4. 活該
5. 加大力度
6. 在時間面前
8. 不好意思我愛你
9. 受害者
10. 給你
11. 追風箏的風箏 (容祖兒 / 林欣彤)

Kelly Chen-Reflection

Kelly Chen-Reflection
Kelly Chen-Reflection-CN-CD-FLAC-2013-TSxD
Since her 2010 Mandarin album Chasing Dreams, Kelly Chen has been away from the Chinese music scene for her family. Now, the Canto-pop superstar (and a mother of two) is making her comeback to the music world with her first Cantonese album in almost five years! Two years in the making, Reflection features works by new collaborators like Alex Fung, Eric Suen, Ivana Wong and Lowell Lo. The album's first radio plug is So Hot (co-composed by Lesley Chiang), a sexy dance number that proudly proclaims that Kelly is hotter than ever!
陳慧琳 - Reflection
FLAC / Lossless / CD
Genre: Pop
陳慧琳全新廣東大碟 Reflection
Alex Fung、王菀之、Yellow、孫耀威、細SoChitaLesley姜麗文、盧冠廷、彭海桐、Fergus、林夕、小克、陳詠謙、小廣、梁柏堅等新「先」創作單位聯手熱力冠軍主打 : So Hot潮音型樂推介 : 皮外傷、斷捨離、It’s All About Timing、點心DVD收錄3MV : So Hot <斷離> <皮外傷>
01. It's All About Timing
02. So Hot
03. 鐵漢柔情
04. 後樂園
06. 點心
07. 月球上的約會
08. 鑽石會籍
09. 皮外傷
10. 淚流不止
Bonus Track
11. 七色夢想(動畫片《蛙蛙魔法學校》主題曲) *
size: 244.80 MB
Download -

Evonne Hsu - Evolution

Evonne Hsu - Evolution
 Evonne Hsu - Evolution CPOP-TosK & CN-CD-FLAC-2013-TSxD
Beginning with her 2002 debut album To Be Happy, Evonne Hsu has endeared herself to music fans for 10 years already. The beloved Taiwan singer returns in 2013 with a new album, her first in nearly four years. eVolution features a renowned creative crew that includes producers and songwriters like Paul Lee, Adia, John Yuan, Peggy Hsu and Xiao Yu, while Evonne herself also contributed two songs. The main plug "Black Swan" (Track 1) is a dance song representing the kind of breakthrough the "Snow White Songstress" is looking for entering her second decade on the pop scene.
MP3 / V0 (VBR) / CD
FLAC / Lossless / CD
Genre: Pop
10.Anything Goes

Evonne_Hsu-Evolution-CN-CD-FLAC-2013-TSxD    my suggestion is this very good and missing ,should download
MP3 / V0 (VBR) / CD
FLAC / Lossless / CD

Karen Aoki - Twilight Jazz

Karen Aoki - Twilight Jazz
New album release by Karen Aoki
Karen Aoki - Twilight Jazz - Standards with Piano & Guitar 2013
青木カレン - Twilight Jazz - Standards with Piano & Guitar
MP3 / 320 / WEB
Genre: Pop Jazz
從芭莎諾瓦、弛放、搖擺到拉丁爵士,稱霸HMVTower排行冠軍的日本爵士美聲女伶Karen Aoki,邁入歌壇六年以來,夾帶稚嫩溫柔氣質的和煦嗓音,為橫跨近一世紀的爵士、搖滾與流行等各領域經典作品換上新衣,千變萬化的繽紛色彩,加上甜美細緻的浪漫微醺氛圍,讓她成為樂迷與傳媒眼中最獨領風騷的日當代爵士天后。而2011年邀來製作天王今井了介(安室奈美惠、濱崎步、宇多田)與渥美幸裕共同製作的《Voyage》,Karen Aoki更成功跨足流行領域,完美展現
其駕馭各式曲風的驚人詮釋力,並進而獲邀為織田裕二主演的電影【女神的復仇】插曲獻聲。相隔不足一年,創作力旺盛的Karen Aoki再度獻上全新作品《Twilight Jazz》,與《Voyage》大相逕庭的反璞歸真演繹,邀來老搭檔田邊充邦與若井優也兩位重量級樂手,分別以吉他與鋼琴伴隨其柔美優雅聲線,穿梭膾炙人口的經典旋律之間,舉凡Stevie Wonder的告示牌Top 4單曲〈My Cherie Amour〉、【第凡內早餐】奧斯卡最佳電影主題曲〈Moon River〉、卓別林【摩登時代】主題配樂改編的〈Smile〉、The Beatles的葛萊美最佳歌曲〈Michelle〉、貓王Elvis Presley最款款深情的冠軍曲〈Love Me Tender〉以及〈Fly Me To The Moon〉、〈Dream A Little Dream Of Me〉等經典標準曲等,接一路揮灑著幽靜動人的清新浪漫情懷,令人無法自拔的沉醉於靜謐晚霞的溫暖擁抱中。
CD Tracklist
01. My Cherie Amour
02. Tea For Two
03. Moon River
04. Fly Me To The Moon
05. Smile
06. Stardust
07. Dream A Little Dream Of Me
08. Michelle
09. Love Me Tender
10. All The Things You Are

260313-Karen_Aoki-Twilight_Jazz-Standards_with_PianoGuitar_2013_320WEB      my suggestion is  Listen at night time     password is waresec

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Winnie Hsin - Meet Happiness 2012

Winnie Hsin - Meet Happiness 2012 FLAC
Winnie Hsin is back. Fives years after The Answer of Love, the healing songstress delivers her long-awaited new album Meet Happiness, exchanging the bitter ballads for her heartwarming new sound. For the first time in her 26-year career, she participated in the album's planning and production duties, sharing producer credits with David Huang, Chris Hou, and Paula Ma. The brand-new Winnie Hsin begins with the first plug "All This Time", courtesy of David Huang, which boasts her laid-back, relaxing vocals. A duet with veteran singer Chyi Chin, another main plug "Soundless Love Song" took over a year to record, and the album also includes a solo version with very different arrangements. The exotic tune
"Hu Chou" (Turkish for sadness) and the mid-tempo jazz number Love of My Life both represent a stylistic breakthrough for the singer.
FLAC / Lossless / CD
Genre: Pop
01. 见快乐 Meet Happiness
02. Real
03. 无声情歌(晓琪+齐秦) Soundless Love Song
04. 悠游自在 All This Time
05. 呼愁 Hu Chou
06. 值得被你宠 Soulmate
07. Saving It All
08. 是我不想离开 Love of My Life
09. 听寂寞 Lonesome Talks
10. 无声情歌(晓琪独唱版) Soundless Love Song

Yesasia    my suggestion  this is missing  song and I like it all and each mp3 are the best to listen at night

Download    password is waresec   